The Longest Lesson Ever
The Longest Lesson Ever
Buckle up, we’ll be here a while breaking down how to sell whatever it is you are looking to sell. Are you ready? Maybe a ...
Old Sport
Old Sport
Selling is a game, it's a sport whereby the star athletes prepare months and years in advance to leave it all on the field while reapin...
The Big Picture
Financial Planning
Take any hundred people at the start of their working careers and f...
The 7 Step Script
One of the key reasons why you always want to use a script for prospecting is that each industry has its own unique set of questions that need to...
Good questions lead the conversation, you can have someone talking for hours based on the questions you ask as you guide them to where they want ...
Too Expensive!
In your entire life, have you ever walked into a store, wanted to buy something and said fuck you know what, I want this so bad, I will give you ...
Sell Me This Pen
Get this guy the fuck out of my office, is hopefully what you are thinking. Way too often when people are selling they come right out with it, I t...
Refund Me!
Any business has to deal with an angry customer or client from time to time. These are times where you can turn that ehh customer into a customer ...
People do not buy because of features, they buy because of benefits. The major benefits are:
Saves money
2.Ease of use
4.Time ...
Ask to Ask
I will be the first to admit that I hate when someone asks to ask me a question, however that is usually because I am not their prospect so there...