• Shakeouts during a solid consolidation can create a serious demand for the stock, creating opportunities for us. They can also give you a window to buy back at a lower price if you are watching closely as bounces off a support level. You also have to think about the psychology of the other traders looking at the same thing you are.

    Jared M
  • shake out could create volume and momentum. if shaken out then get right back in along with everyone else, take profits when you can

  • 1. Shake outs create momentum
    2. Focus on Volume
    3. Psychology is an integral part of trading

  • -if you get shaken out and you know it still has momentum buy it back.
    -on a gap up if it won’t hold to profit.

  • If price clears out previous low but stays in range; high probability of a shake out. Great opportunity to get back in as is everyone else. This creates momentum for drastic move. Knowing human psychology and controlling your own is key.


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