• 1.) Losses are part of trading
    2.) Stick with your game plan, always use stops wether its a buy stop or a stop loss
    3.) Working on your trading is a lifetime lesson, so is intuition.

  • 1) Trading is all about psychology. So be ready to be mentally strong so you can bear losses.
    2) Shake’s intuition definitely comes from experience. Don’t rush things up, keep training yourself and that experience will eventually arrive.
    3) It doesn’t matter how well you think you know the market, it will always surprise you! Me. Market behaves just like human beings (we are totally unpredictable sometimes).

    Thank you for sharing Shake!!!

  • 1. Stay flexible and learn from bad Market days to leverage your ability to exceed the next days.

    2. Us your intuition and don’t make decisions on emotion.

    3. Stick to the game plan and be patient when you need to be

    Kevin court
  • Sometimes It sucks in trading, that happens !
    Stay flexible, reformulate game plans, look for relative strength
    Have the balls to put the risk on ! (psychology importance)

  • Every day is a new day, with different outcomes and not necessary have to trade.

    It’s always possible me to make mistakes while watching other stocks.

    Trading is psychological.


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