Traders who want Fast Money... Loose Money

Traders who want to make fast money, end up losing money, Patient traders are the ones who makes real money.........

If you were a member last month you would have know about our entry in YHOO, with many of our members who got in this trade with us. After we got in the trade, some positive news was released that YHOO was selling part of its business, but not their 20% stake in BABA. With BABA's big earnings beat, YHOO was poised for higher prices.

What you will learn with trading stocks, if that when stocks are flagging near highs, more often than not, there will be positive catalysts that will help continue the stocks upward trends. Just like when stocks are trading near lows, you tend to read about all the bad things going on with the company and its stock continues to trade lower.


We have a saying in trading-- "Charts Don't Lie". In our experience you are much more likely to get "bailed out" with news on your side if you are long a very strong name or short a very weak name. Buying stocks bull flagging at highs are more likely to release positive news only sending the stock higher. So remember, there are always going to be guru's and their rhetoric about stocks X, Y & Z. Just tell them #ChartsDontLie

To learn more about our All Access Membership that includes 1-1 Training and Real Time Trade Alerts like this YHOO trade, sign up here

(FYI if you bought 100 shares in this stock, you would have made over $400, enough to cover over a year with us in 1 trade) 


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