Big Picture - Don't Fight The Trend

Broad Market Outlook
With a short holiday week, it felt as if we were watching paint dry as most traders were more then likely speculating on the couch watching the football games or soccer games depending on where you live globally. 
Even though it was a shorter week, the market still climb higher continiung to form a mickey mouse flag inside of a clear ascending channel. A simple trend that we do not what to fight. 
Until the mid of October, it was great to look for shorts, but as we continue to inch higher and plenty of charts are setting up, it is time to start shifting those eyes from looking down to looking up. 
We have to thank the 10 year for continuing its h over as it heads towards 3.5% as one of the reasons for this market bounce. 
As most people overall are still clinging to the bear market narrative of this year, when in realitly we are in quite the quiet mini bull market. 
What if I told you since the market bottom on Oct 13th:
Financials are up 22%
Materials are up 21%
Industrials are up 20%
The Dow 30 is up 20%
Utilities are up 18%
Mid Caps are up 17%
Tech is up 17%
REITs are up 16%
The S&P 500 is up 14% 
Small Caps are up 13%
Healthcare is up 13%
Consumer Staples are up 13%
Energy is up 10%
Yet if you asked most, the market is crash or there are no opportunities in the market right now. 
When in reality, the trend for now is pointing higher, the 10 year is pointing lower (good for those in the market for a home) and there are plenty of charts setting up to take advantage of. 
As always, keep it simple, continue to scan your watchlists, call out your best ideas, we will set the alerts to remind us of these great set ups and we can continue to ring the register while most point at the YTD performance of the SPY and complain. 

From Bennett





Macro Rotation Outlook

Dow Jones
Mid Caps 
Small Caps
Trading Experts Comma Day Watch
Want to thank all the members who are supporting Trading Experts of the 100 watches we made, over 70 have been sold and shipped out. Just want to say thank you for helping us on this new marketing endevaor. For those that might be interested, once the remaining 30 are sold, that will be in for this model. 
Right now we are running a Black Friday special where we are literally selling the watches at a loss as we would rather the watch on your wrist then sitting boxed up in my office. 
If you would like to grab one of the last remaining few watches or for those who already have the Comma Day watch and want to get on the pre order list for the Comma Day II watch, simply shoot me a message on discord saying "watch" to learn more about the deal!
This weekend alone, more then 20 members took advantage and in another few weeks the remaining watches may all be gone. 
Sector Rotation

Sensitive -  sectors that have moderate correlations to overall market conditions. 

Cyclical - sectors that are more sensitive overall market conditions.
Consumer Discretionary
Tax Experts

We have reviewed quite a few tax returns so far and have yet to find one where we could not have added value. 

We recently found a member who paid a tax penalty because his tax guy put he contributed $12,000 into his Roth when he only contributed the max. He paid a penalty for this persons mistake without being aware and his tax guy made up the most ridiculous excuse, it was just embarrassing. 

What is the worst case of getting a 2nd opinion from someone who has successfully filed over 4,000 tax returns? 

Let's have a second look at your tax return, if we can't find a way to save you taxes on this or next years return, we will give you a months membership free. 

Book a free call now 

Worst case you get a free months membership!

Defensive - sectors that tend to outperforming during sub par market conditions.
Consumer Staples
Bio Tech
Big Picture Set Up
ADM has a nice Blue Sky Breakout forming through this $99 area, it is still a bit wide and only just recently retested so this may need a bit more time to develop. 
So far have had two entries in this DCP through this $39 area with a stop at $38 and will add through the $40 level in time. 
DG has a Blue Sky Breakout forming but we have to remember earnings are this week, could be a ORB set up when it reports. 
There is a nice wedge forming in this MELI up through this $1,000 area in time that we don't want to miss. 
MGPI continues to hit new 52 weeks highs each day since we started this swing a week ago, for now just keeping it simple with a LOD stop. 
MNST was a nice single hit trade, buying up through the all time high and taking profits when it got tired, will keep an eye for the next re entry in time. 
MSFT has been forming this base all quarter and has had a few attempts at this 250 area. It still may need a bit more time to develop but the odds are leaning towards a base break to the upside in time. 
Believe this was one of Kusha's call outs a few weeks back, this PRCT continues to set up for a Blue Sky Breakout through the IPO high. Could not ask for a better set up with earnings out of the way. 
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