If you guys remember a few weeks back around the first week of April, our trade of the week was LMT long. This is a textbook example of why we love Bull Flag patterns, and the strong ones can go much further than our targets, that's why trailing is key.
As you know we like to trail our winning trades versus the prior days low, after LMT broke out of the Bull Flag pattern, it formed a smaller one and quickly broke out again through $235 from there, every day it traded higher and has not take out the prior days lows!
Risk in this trade was around $4 to get in and is currently up just under $20 !
With 100 shares that was $400 risk to make just under $2000!
Suivant lui, cette rue doit son nom a Jean Beaubourg natif
de Beau-Bourg, village ou bourg et paroisse de Brie, duquel descendait le president Beaubourg, conseiller d’etat souvent charge par le
roi Louis XIII de missions importantes. Fr.Linkedin.Com Le contre-amiral Ganteaume, voulant temoigner a Jerome Bonaparte sa satisfaction de sa conduite pendant l’action, ne
crut pouvoir mieux faire que de lui confier l’honorable mission de se rendre a bord de la prise, de l’amariner et de recevoir l’epee du capitaine.